# This file is under GPL # Do whatever you like # written by Daniel Schubert 2014 class VideoConversion # - converts any (hopefully) video into different other vids, f.e. three vids suitable for projekktor # - needs ffmpeg and ffmpeg2theora # vidfile string video file name # video_br int (video bitrate in k ) # audio_br int (audio bitrate in k) # aufio_q int (ogv audio quality between 1 and 10) # video_q int (ogv video quality between 1 and 10) # target string determines the output -> 'mpeg' - simple mpg , 'projekktor' - for projekktor def initialize(vidfile, width=640, height=360, target="mpg",video_br=600, audio_br=128, audio_q=5,video_q=7, freq = 48000) @videofile = vidfile#.dump #target size @width = width @height= height @target= target #for webm and mp4 files @video_br = video_br @audio_br = audio_br #for ogv video @audio_q = audio_q @video_q = video_q @freq = freq @temp_file = "temp-vid.mpg" @aspect= nil end # def get_aspect # uses the output from ffprobe to calculate the aspect ratio from input video w , h = nil f = IO.popen("ffprobe -show_streams \"#{@videofile}\"") vidinfo = f.readlines f.close # unless vidinfo.empty? vidinfo.each do |elem| if elem =~ /display_aspect_ratio=\d+:\d+/ b = elem.scan(/\d*:\d*/)[0].split(":") @aspect = b[0].to_f/b[1].to_f else if elem =~ /width=\d+/ w = elem.to_s.gsub!("width=", "").chomp.scan(/\d+/) elsif elem =~ /height=\d+/ h = elem.to_s.gsub!("height=", "").chomp.scan(/\d+/) end end end if @aspect == nil @aspect = w.join.to_f / h.join.to_f end end return @aspect end # def get_basename bn = File.basename(@videofile, ".*") return bn end def converter Dir.mkdir('converted') unless File.exists?('converted') File.delete(@temp_file) if File::exists?(@temp_file) # target_aspect = (@width.to_f / @height.to_f) # begin videobasename = get_basename puts videobasename # if get_aspect > target_aspect # balken oben und unten neue_hoehe = (@width/get_aspect).to_i balken = (@height - neue_hoehe) / 2 # if padding applied older versions of ffmpeg need the "-padleft XX -padright XX " syntax padding = "-vf \"pad=#{@width}:#{@height}:0:#{balken}\"" @height = neue_hoehe elsif get_aspect < target_aspect # balken an die seite neue_breite = (@height * get_aspect).to_i balken = (@width - neue_breite) / 2 # if padding applied older versions of ffmpeg need the "-padleft XX -padright XX " syntax padding = "-vf \"pad=#{@width}:#{@height}:#{balken}:0\"" @width = neue_breite else #aspect unchanged -> no padding padding = "" end # case @target when "mpg" # simple mpeg #simple mpg `ffmpeg -i \"#{@videofile}\" -s #{@width}x#{@height} #{padding} -aspect #{target_aspect} -threads 2 -b #{@video_br}k -ab #{@audio_br}k -ar #{@freq} -metadata creation_time=\"#{Time.new}\" converted/\"#{videobasename}.mpg\"` when "projekktor" #Projekktor #temp video necessary for correct padding when converting to more formats `ffmpeg -i \"#{@videofile}\" -s #{@width}x#{@height} #{padding} -aspect #{target_aspect} -b 5000k -ar 44100 -ab 320k #{@temp_file}` #conversions for projekktor `ffmpeg -i #{@temp_file} -threads 2 -aspect #{target_aspect} -vcodec libx264 -b #{@video_br}k -vpre ipod640 -ab #{@audio_br}k -metadata creation_time=\"#{Time.new}\" converted/\"#{videobasename}.mp4\"` `ffmpeg -i #{@temp_file} -threads 2 -aspect #{target_aspect} -b #{@video_br}k -ab #{@audio_br}k -metadata creation_time=\"#{Time.new}\" converted/\"#{videobasename}.webm\"` `ffmpeg2theora #{@temp_file} -v #{@video_q} -a #{@audio_q} -o converted/\"#{videobasename}.ogv\"` File.delete(@temp_file) when "youtube" puts "YouTube not implemented yet!" exit else puts "Nothing valid chosen-- bye bye" exit end rescue => e puts "Something went terribly wrong: ", e end end # end